Monday, 30 April 2007


Astazi, 30 aprilie, am descoperit ca Bucurestiul are strazi. Ciment! Gri! Cu borduri. Piatra cubica. Gropi! Hurray! Peste noapte au disparut sirurile de masini parcate pe trotuare, langa trotuare, pe carosabil, din trafic... incarserabil, impardonabil, puturos si sictiros. Iich.
Si tot astazi am putut sa merg prin mijlocul strazii, sa respir fara sa ma haraie plumbul pe gat, sa traversez fara sa ma calce pitipoance in jipanuri si barosani in merzanuri... si, mai ales, am reusit sa miros liliac pentru prima oara in asta primavara. Liliac pur, fara adaosul puturos al societatii de consum.
TRAIASCA weekendul, 30 aprilie, 1 mai si parcurile fara doua benzi!

Saturday, 28 April 2007

"After the Cold War... Global Warming" :)) citat din expo
Dan Perjovschi deschide o expozitie pe 2 mai, la Museum of Modern Art din New York. Artistul picteaza pe un perete in timpul programului de vizitare al muzeului.
Cum ne-a obisnuit: incisiv, global, local, politic, comic... you name it!

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Da-te pe cel mai tare dictionar urban din urbea electronica! Mai afla si tu de ce urla hormonul si cand se basculeaza trombonul. Si, mai ales, cine a machit retardul... care dansa, oricum, ca un dulap.

Mai jos, o simpatie personala. Prietenii stiu de ce ;)
plantaţie=loc de muncă unde eşti prost plătit deşi munceşti mai ceva decât un sclav.
The Corporation!!! O ora de tv pe saptamana nu strica... daca te uiti duminica seara pe TVR Cultural la un documentar-serial despre you know what. Daca titlul nu va atrage din cauza dimensiunilor exagerate, nesanatoase, arogantei, egoismului si lichelismului, aflati ca Noam Chomsky si Michael Moore sunt in gasca, asa ca e un must see. Despre continut vorbim dupa :) Hai, puneti mana de vedeti!

Saturday, 21 April 2007

Ta-naaam! S-a intamplat... Costel (foto: Vlad Voica) ! Retrospectiva cu pustiul trupei DeKO.
Evident ca se calca lumea pe picioare, ca s-a ras cu chef si pofta. Si, ca niciodata in Deko, am reusit sa vad, pentru ca fumul de miscase mai la stanga mea.
Ce sa va spun? Ca am carat 7 oameni care s-au imbatat si au ras elitist la poantele cu Troia. Care au spus ca "super tare" si ca, gata, acum sunt pregatiti sa-l vada si pe Teo :))) (cu conditia sa bage dom' Chisu si o bere gratis pe langa biletul de intrare ;).
In rest, Costel inca merge la scoala (care e buna ca supplier de poante, altfel nu stiu ce cauta p-acolo) si chiar face toti banii. De intrare, de bere, de alune. Tin sa mai subliniez ca in ziua retrospectivei a prestat la 100 m de o mini-revolutie, o crizuta politica solutionata cu luciditate de la tribuna deko de acest liber care poate candida cu incredere la ce vrea el. Eu il botez cu drag pentru cea mai inalta pozitie in stand.

Monday, 16 April 2007

Daca n-ati ajuns la retrospectiva Teo (foto: Vlad Voica) din Deko, de joi seara, tocmai ce-ati pierdut un tur de forta al celui mai bun stand-uper roman la ora actuala. Mda, evident ca-s subiectiva... da' de cand putem sa radem obiectiv, dragii mei? :)
Revin cu detalii!!!
Ideea e sa nu ratati retrospectiva Costel de joia asta ;) pentru ca trupa Deko a intrat la retrospective. Si pe buna dreptate...

Friday, 6 April 2007


Yes, my dears, I had the pleasure to ask the Lady and the Gentleman from Motormark a few questions. Hope you enjoyed them on March 29: UNDERLONDON 2, at Old School Preoteasa... in our very own Europeaaaaan capital, Bucharest!!!

Coming back with more band interviews!!... For the moment, enjoy their last interview as MOTORMARK!!!

Who killed Motormark… website?
Colonel Mustard, in the Ballroom with the sex toy.

Any special connections with Eastern European countries? Or is just another gig?
Marko: It's Never 'just another gig'. My Family are from Bydgoszc in Poland. If everything I believe is true about Eastern Europe, then we should be looking forward to very big party and a very big hangover.

Any expectations from the Romanian audience?
Expectations are high. When you play your first show in any new country it's always on ones mind that the lyrics may not translate. Motormark songs work anywhere there is an opressed youth needing a voice. Motormark is the global language of Love, Hate, Sex, War.

How important is fashion on the… music scene?
It is the music scene. The music we perform didn't exist until 1977. It started in clothes shops in London. When we were 15 year old kids in Scotland, making our own clothes and starting bands, it helped that the template that ideas and style, are more important that talent and ability, had already been created for us by artists, musicians, filmmakers and performers decades before.

What bands and musicians are worth listening today, in your opinion?
God, that's always the hardest question! We don't really share the same musical tastes, but we have been listening to These New Puritans, Horrors, Gay Against You, Kreeps, Dirty Cakes, Violets, Xerox Teens... it's an endless list...

Electro? Indie? “Post punk neon noise”? Punk with capital K? What is the style you play?
What we think we are is very different to how we are perceived, let's leave the labeling up to you.

Do you like to be placed under a particular style or you want/need the freedom to experiment?
We have very rigid ideas and restrictions about what Motormark can do as 2 people, one drum machine and guitars. We regard it as our art more than our band. New ideas = new band.

Ramones or Sex Pistols?
Adam & The Ants.

What do you consider to be your roots… or, how should I put it, your “musical” parents?
Its obvious. Next question please.

What are your plans? Near or far… future plans?
Bucharest will be our final Motormark show. When we started Motormark, like all supermarket products we had a sell by date. We are about to expire... it's beautifully self destructive.
Our new project is Fake Fang, its sell by date is shorter, but we might be happy to let this one go rancid and cross-contaminate everything else on the shelf.

Looking forward to seeing youuuuuu!!!
Likewise, let's drink a toast to the timely end of our beautifully self destructive band together backstage. x (well, it did not happen... not enough booze in the premises ;))

Tuesday, 3 April 2007

Dupa un concert... somnul de intoarcere (foto Ancapone).

Mda, tot cu gandul la festivaluri... :)